Should I Tell Her?

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It's been about 2 months since Blaze has gotten home. I've also been contemplating on whether or not I should tell Amara. I know she has a habit with telling secrets, but she's also my best friend. I think that I should be able to tell her anything, and trust that nothing will jeopardize our friendship. So I called her and invited over here to tell her the secret about Blaze.

"Ok so Amara's coming over today im gonna tell her everything about you," I say while petting him and talking to him as if he can understand me.

Before I knew the front door bell rang, and in walked Amara. She then began making her way towards me. Then I hear a bunch of whooshing sounds coming from my room. Then I see blaze ripping and running all over the Blaze. See this is what I mean. When Blaze gets too excited, he can't control his powers.

"Blaze calm down. Sit." I say with stern in my voice. "Sit." I say again, and then I hear a knock at my door. "Lord please make sure this goes good, Amen." I whisper a silent prayer to myself. Then I hear a knock at the door "Coming" I say as I'm approaching the door, and putting Blaze into his cage. He hates his cage , so there should be no reason that he should use his powers.

"Hey girl, what was that noise I heard?" She asked.

"See that's what I wanted to talk to you about" I say kind of worried that this may not work in my favor. "Well as you can see Blaze is home and he's doing just fine" I say as I get out his cage and closing the bedroom door.

"Are you okay you're being really weird and why did you close the door? what are you trying to do?" She said while laughing, and stopped when she seen that i wasn't laughing.

"I'm getting to that" I said. Then I pick up a ball, and sat down on my bed next to Amara. "Ok Blaze, you wanna play fetch boy, huh? Fetch" I said to him. I threw the ball can see the whoosh of pass us by as Blaze  super sped by really fast. I then look over at Amara and she has her mouth and eyes wide open almost as if she's flabbergasted.

"OOHHHH SHIITTTTT" she screamed and jumped on my bed. She a whole spiderman jump onto my bed.

"Oh my god, please tell me that I didn't see I thought I just saw" she looked over at me amazed almost and scared to talk and i don't even blame her.

"BITCH, he just zoomed across the room, first he was-" she said pointing where he was at first "and then he was-" she said while pointing where he ended up at. "AHH, ok bitch please tell me that you're playing some kind of joke on me? Wheres the camera?" she asked while running around my whole basically flipping shit over. "Huh? Where is it?" she asked.

"Ok ok ok, A, calm... down" i say in a slow motion. "its not a prank ok everything that you just saw was real ok. im going show you again so you can that your not hallucinating" I said and threw the ball across the room and he zoomed back to get it.

"Ok so let me get this straight ok, your dog gets struck by lightning?" she says, and then she starts pacing back and forth in my room


"Which then sends him into a coma" she says.


"Then he wakes up and now he has super powers" she says in a confused tone, and i nod. "So yall are basically the black version of Bolt is what you're telling me?" she asked.

"More like underdog but-" i say before she cuts me off.

"Bitch you know i mean" she says and i begin laughing. "How could you be laughing at a time like this, this is serious" she says with a straight face.

"ok ok lemme stop" i said and tried to keep a straight face and busted out laughing again "im sorry this is really not funny. But you admit it its kinda cool tho. Like bitch my dog got powers who else can say that" i said while smirking at her.

"i mean yeah i guess."she said while shrugging and sitting down on my bed. "Wait a minute, so he woke up and just had powers?" she asked and i nodded. "And you kept this a secret for two months? she said.

"Basically" i said while nodding and shrugging my shoulders.

"How come? I mean i know this is nothing to be telling everyone but no one else knows?" she asked.

"To be fair most of the time was spent dealing with the secret, debating on whether I should tell people, and dealing with the press" I said. These past two months have been very hard, and trying to deal with everything all at once, is honestly giving me a headache. "No one else besides you knows not even my parents". i said.

"And you're just now deciding to tell me because...." she said. I guess she got a little offended.

"Amara, you know how you get when I tell you secrets. I'll tell you a secret one day and then the next day everybody and mama know and then they start asking questions and throwing their two cents in the jar and shit. And me and blaze did not that kind of pressure like i already go through enough of this at school. The last thing i need is for the whole block to hear." I said to her and she nodded as if she understood.

"Ok I get it, I won't tell anyone I promise" she said while hugging me. Then we heard a sigh but it sounded like it came from some one else, and we let go of the hug and looked down at the dog.  He was sitting there as if nothing happened. Lord please don't tell me that this dog can talk?

"What was that?" Amara asked scared again, and we both looked around room.

"I don't know" I said back almost as scared as she is. I then looked down at Blaze again.

"Man you two have to be the most dramatic people in the world, like it's not that big of a deal" Blaze said. Me and Amara both screamed in fear. While both looking at Blaze.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH" we both screamed in fear.

Did my dog just talk? This didn't happen when we left the hospital. Can this get any more worse?

"Did he just talk?" a voice said in the background.


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