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This story is 100% mine. I created the characters, the storyline, and the content. I am only writing on Wattpad. Please alert me if you see this story anywhere but Wattpad! Thank you!


Flashback to 5 hours ago Alyssa's POV:

I awoke with a painful jolt in my chest. I frantically reached over to wake my mate, but realized the bed was not only empty, but the covers on his side of the bed hadn't even been pulled back. What was going on, I wondered in my sleepy yet panicked state. "AHHHHH!" I cried out into the dark room, as I clutched my chest again. Suddenly my mind became filled with images of my mate in bed with another woman... He'd let his guard down and I could see, and feel, everything through the bond. My mate..was with another woman..just then, a crack of lighting  flooded the room, a storm brewing outside, and within me...

Current Alyssa's POV

It was currently 9:30 in the morning and I lay in the middle of an open field. In the past hour I had dropped my sweet girl off at the pack preschool (giving her extra hugs and squeezes) and clocked into work. I truly had tried to be strong. I had truly tried to go on about my "normal" routine, but what everyone said was absolutely true. A damaged mate bond would simply drive even the best of us to insanity. It's not even like Dalton and I had had the "story book" mateship, but yet here I am...laying in a secluded filed with an almost empty bottle of silver in my right hand, a picture of my daughter gripped in my left. 

I am a nurse, well was a nurse, at the pack hospital so I knew I had already drank enough to break the connection with my wolf. She was still here though, fighting for control and fighting to keep our connection. Clawing, jumping, begging me to mind link  for help, but I just couldn't....I had one last sip of silver in the bottle, that I fully intended to drink and then I should be gone soon after.

I simply could not stand this pain. I had genuinely tried to talk myself out of this, but I guess I am just too weak. Maybe that's why Dalton had been so indifferent towards me, and eventually cheated on me, because I was too weak.. Tenley, my daughter, deserves better than this. Better than a mother who can't even pull herself together for her. Dalton was a terrible mate. I put up with so, so much abuse, but this was too much for my soul to bare. The Moon Goddess was a an evil mistress for pairing me with such a monster. 

 I had left a several page letter for her to read once she is older. Goddess, I hope she doesn't hate me. How I wish I had been strong enough to endure.. I had put up with Dalton's verbal abuse that had eventually turned physical, but I could not shake this and as the hours wore on, the pain continued to get worse. I squeezed her picture tighter as another tear slipped out. "Moon Goddess, protect my girl. Let those around her know how much I loved her. Help her to grow into a beautiful and strong young woman, stronger than her mother ever could be." 

I then thought of Dalton, my mate. I hadn't even spoken to him. I didn't care to, clearly. I knew all I needed to know. What was the point? There was no use in even discussing this, he would figure out how to make it my fault..just as he had always done with any other issue in our mateship.. At first I chalked it up to him being a Gamma and being so incredibly busy with his duties. I told myself that eventually we'd find our groove, but as the months and years wore on I quickly learned this was just him.

Goddess I was growing tired. Becoming weaker and weaker by the moment. I attempted to lift my hand in a feeble attempt to down the last of the bottles contents, but I was just simply too weak. I was a small woman. Maybe I hadn't needed the whole bottle after all. However, my subconscious told me that body weight did not matter. I learned this in school. However, I ignored it. Much too tired to dwell on it. Closing my eyes, and feeling the spring air blowing through my hair I let my body and mind sink further away as small raindrops fell on my cheeks. Before completely succumbing to the darkness I muttered, "I, Alyssa Pembroke of Wolf Moon pack reject Gamma Dalton Pembroke of Wolf Moon pack as my mate." 

I could hear something, but just barely. Was that shouting? No, surely not I reassured myself. I specifically came here so that I wouldn't be found. I used all of my strength to roll my head to the side. I strained, but without my wolf hearing it was no use. Just as the sound came closer, my wolf whined softly one last time and then the connection broke as I began to slip further away...

I felt so at peace. I felt as though I was being carried, but knew that was impossible. I was buzzing with a warmth I had never felt before. It felt foreign, but safe. I had never felt this way before. Was this what dying felt like? The debate in my mind washing away as I gave into the cocoon of warmth and safety...and fully into the darkness.


EEK!!!! OK, short chapter to get me started and setup for the next chapter! This book has been on my heart for about 8 years now and here we GO! I am so nervous to put Alyssa and Brent to paper, but feel that I am finally ready!!!! Yay!!!!! I have done a rough edit, but have to run off to the gym now! I'll do a more thorough comb through when I get home later.

Sooooo....What do you think the noise was??

Fixed some plot holes - 8/23/22

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