To us in Seven years time.

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I know you understand me and you'll never let me down.
We've been through enough.
You make me smile,
Even If I show it with a frown.
Is it still the same down the line?
To us in seven years time.

"So that's our mission?"

"Yes, are there are any problems? You don't seem to be very pleased Chuuya," Mori really shouldn't be surprised, considering who he was asking, yet even then he couldn't help but sigh.

"Chuuya's never happy when he has to go on a mission with me."

"Yeah, cause it's you."

"The feelings mutual then Chibi," Of course, they'd argue and tell one another that they'd want to stay as far away from each other as possible, when in reality they both hated going on solo missions.

Mori sighed, trying his best to suppress a small grin,"You're both dismissed."


The duo, known as Double black, now strolled side by side through Yokohama, more specifically the side of Yokohama they rarely got to walk through, it was heavily guarded by police and watched over by Government Officials, so naturally Mafioso's never really spent much time here. However, this mission had been sent in by said Government Officials so the duo was able to stroll around and take their time without the anxiousness that they might get arrested.

Now, based on rumors, you may assume that all of Double Blacks interactions were purely arguments and insults; most of the time -if you ever walked past them- you'd be 100% correct. However, people also seemed to forget that both Dazai and Chuuya are in fact human beings, who are both capable of feeling more than just anger or irritancy. There were calm moments amongst them too, civil conversations, little pockets of shared silence, moments where the only thing you could hear was their footsteps or the gentle carol of their voices, as they spoke about little nothings. 

This moment was one such moment, where the two walked by each other's side, without saying anything. Dazai had this looming and slightly dismaying feeling that today wasn't going to be like any other, as such, he needed to take his mind away from a problem that may not even have any solution.

"Oh yeah Chuuya? Did you talk with Kyōyō about that French poetry book you wanted?" The brunet asked, seemingly out of nowhere, causing Chuuya to glance up at his partner, with a look of apparent bewilderment.

"I'm surprised you remembered," he muttured with a raised eyebrow, before shrugging. Dazai wasn't stranger to asking random questions, he was just slightly surprised to find that Dazai had remembered such an insignificant part of his personal life, "I talked to her and she said she'd try to find it but there's been no leads yet," he finished.

"Seriously?!?! It's just a bunch of poetry in French, why's it so hard to find?" Dazai asked, turning to his short partner, who was already glaring at him as they continued to walk with a certain amount of distance between them.

"It's old poetry Dimwit. Anything old is hard to find, you should know seeing as you like painting, how hard it is to get your hands on a painting you like," Chuuya retaliated, Dazai blinked at him then shrugged, he wasn't interested in buying paintings or even looking at them, he enjoyed making them, it was just a small hobby to take his mind off of his worsening life. He chose not to elaborate on it though.

They continued to walk in silence, side by side, though somehow they had inched closer to one another. Dazai couldn't tell if it was because of him or if it had been Chuuya, or both. Nonetheless, he glanced around him, taking in the view of the part of the city he rarely got to see, well, it wasn't like he particularly appreciated it, or had some deep attachment to it, but it was quite pleasant to walk through regardless -that and admittedly it was nice to have Chuuya there with him.

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