Chapter 6

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" Should we get Jungkook married?" Eunhi-ssi asked.

Heejae was shocked because Jungkook and marriage?? he was silent after hearing this from his wife. Eunhi was getting tensed as her husband wasn't even saying a word.

"Jae we can thin-" 

" How??" Heejae asked.


"How is this marriage thing gonna help guk?" Heejae asked.

Eunhi-ssi knew that this is the concern of a father for his son.

" Marriage will help him strengthen his thoughts together, he will have someone to share everything with, it will calm him down, he can experience love, be happy, try to cure knowing someone he loves is always there for him."

" and do you think he will trust again a stranger??" 

Trust its a big word for Jungkook after what happened in the past. trust is what he doesn't have on anyone expect his mom and hyung not even his dad.

Eunhi-ssi sighed and said," we have tried everything from taking him on a trip so he can start new, met with his best friends, tried with doc.........maybe LOVE can help?"

" Its a arrange marriage we are talking about Eun. basically tieing him up with a stranger. not every arrange marriage turns out to be love." Heejae raised his concern.

" It will help him get to know eachother, learn to live with eachother, accept eachother the way they are. " Eunhi said.

This made Heejae think for a while. Eunhi was staring at her husband waiting for his answer. After a while he looked at his wife's eyes and nodded.

" But who will you find for him?"

" i will find best boy for him. I WILL" Eunhi said determined.

" do you think he will behave the same as he behaves with you and Joon? he doesn't even like to talk with his Appa." Heejae said sadly.

" Even if he doesn't talk with you he still loves you dear. if he doesn't even like you 1%, he wouldn't had ate those cakes and icecreams. one of the maid told me he took extra and finished everything." eunhi said motivating he husband.

" I hope he still does love me"

" and the thing about him and his future husband I think everything will workout peacefully if he himself and god wants to make it work." Eunhi smiled.

Heejae hugged his wife and said " I just want my son to be happy and if that's the last option i will try." Heejae said determined.

" so Its final I will let Namjoon know about it. we will dicuss with him till then start the searching for Jeon's bride." Eunhi said excitedly.

Heejae chuckled and hugged his wife even tighter not knowing someone has heard their converstion.

" I will not make you succeed again dad". said the someone who heard them.

On the other hand,

Taehyung was now talking towards his last job. It's currently 7:30 pm. he will work till 10:00pm because he has his night clg at 11:30 before that he had to make food for himself and for his hyung, do all the household work, complete his remaining homework.

His last stop of this job cycle was Icecream parlour. he works here only for 2.5 hrs where other jobs he work for 4-4.5 hrs. he reached and immediately changed to his uniform watching the enormous amount of people standing in line.

He went towards the cash counter and started talking the orders. as today was saturday a weekend day all famillies where out with their kids to buy icecreams which boast upped the sales.

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