chapter 1 (rewriten)

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Ok so like... Ive changed a few things here from the original, story and character wise for (y/n) bc I felt like I was doing too much in the og 💀
It's not a lot, I really just more rounded it down to something less out there and more casual. In my process of rewriting these chapters your probably going to see that a lot and I might maybe do something different entirely for some chapters bc idek what I was trying to do with the first one 😭


It was raining whenever I had first pulled into the driveway of my new estate. It was actually bigger than the pictures made it seem, which made me feel quite guilty, guilty for the fact that the majority of rooms in this 6 bedroom, 2 bathroom house was going to be used for storage.

After I checked to make sure I had the keys in my pocket, I turned off my car before getting out and began walking up the driveway with the keys in hand. This was currently the first time I had ever visited this house since I was 5. Whenever I was younger I would always come here to visit my grandfather with my mom, and even on occasion stay a couple nights with him, and I'd always have the best time running up and down the second floor hallways, or playing hide and seek through all the bedrooms while my grandpa searched through each one, though, no matter how hard he tried he was never able to find me…

I couldn't help but smile softly before I shook the thoughts from my head, making my way onto the porch and towards the door.
God I missed that old man.

I slid the key into the lock, turning it with a click, indicating that it was now open. I opened the door slowly, earning a low creak from old hinges.

For as old as the house was, it was in a more than decent condition, my grandfather must've put some pretty good time into keeping the house up to date.
I begin turning on the light to the house, being met with the familiar sight of the giant living space with its infamous open kitchen with the island and barstools.
The kitchen was always my favorite, I always thought it looked nice and made the house look fancy.

I began walking around the living space, gliding my fingers on the familiar couches I had grown up with, it had seemed like it'd been forever since I'd been her, yet, everything was exactly the way I remembered, Even down to the living room layout….
Though that made me slightly question the quality of the couch and how sanitary It was.
It made me immediately pull my hand back in slight disgust.

Note to self: get sheets for the couch.

I then averted my attention to the giant flat screen tv sitting on its stand in the corner of the room, it wasn't the TV I remembered my grandfather having when I was younger. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, though he was an old man, he wasn't caught in his old ways and had gone out of his way to buy the biggest and best tv.

I stared at the TV for a moment, in awe. This whole thing still seemed so unreal….
One day, I'm sitting in my apartment in LA, barely making ends meet, until I get a call one day saying my grandpa had passed and that he left me all his personal belongings, along with a few hundred dollars left in savings, and next I'm here in Illinois, standing in the living room of what is now my house. It was hard to adjust to.
With a deep breath, I figured I might as well start bringing life back to the place.

I reached behind the TV and began sliding open the curtains. It was a beautiful sight when the curtains were open. In the corner of the house, where the living space sat, was a giant window that showed a view of the woods that weren't to far in the back of the house, and with the fact that the house was built on a hill that was just a bit more elevated than the ground, topped the whole thing off, something I had always remembered was enjoying going on hikes with my grandfather back there, as secluded as he was, he had a decent knowledge in survival and would teach me all kinds of tricks and hack of what to do Incase I ever got lost or stranded.

I snapped myself back to reality as I turned on the TV. There I was, thinking about that old goon again
I let out a soft sigh before I made my way over to the kitchen, unfortunately, It looked like it was still in the same condition my grandfather had left it the last time he used it, a few dirty dishes in the sink as a few spices and washcloths were left on the counter. With a soft sigh, I took the dishes and began loading them into the dishwasher, before going to the cabinet where I knew all the cleaning supplies were kept, under the sink. I grabbed the dish soap and put it into the dishwasher before closing the thing entirely and clicked “start”.
With a wir the dishwasher begins filling with water.

After putting the unnecessary items away into cupboards or drawers I decided it was time to see the bedrooms.

After briefly drying my hands I hesitantly approached the staircase, right next to the kitchen. The upstairs was actually quite dark, the only light being what little daylight shone through the window, and even that was quite dim due to the rain pouring outside. Once I reached the top of the steps I reached for the light switch, flipping it up as the long hallway lit up with its fancy, chandelier-like lights.

I slowly began making my way down the Hall, making my way through each room, skipping the bedroom in the middle of the hall.

I wasn't prepared to go in there yet….

Throughout my little tour of the rooms I had been analyzing each room as I went through it to see which one fit my liking, I knew right away that the master bedroom wasn't going to be mine, I never liked big spacey rooms, my grandfather never seemed to like it like that either. Once I had made my way through all 6 rooms I decided on the one at the end of the hall to be mine….it was the smallest, yeah, but it was the coziest, it was also in the corner of the house, right above that big glass window downstairs, so naturally, it had two windows, one long, vertical rectangular one on the opposite wall of the door, and one, smaller, regular square one on the wall to the left of the door. The door was positioned in the corner of the room so it made it pretty easy to envision where my bed was going to be…

(1201 words, let's go 🗣️💪)

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