His Baby Boy🤍^ ONE

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Author : Hope you enjoy~♡

Kirishima grinned as he rasped his knuckles on the white door of his childhood best friend's dorm room and after a few minutes the door opened and Kirishima's grin widened when he saw the familiar deep and dark forest irises lock onto his bright red ones.

"Kiri" his best friend rasped out in a voice that sounded like he hadn't talked in ages but also not cause it was deep, dark and smooth.

"Hey man!" Kirishima said happily and his friend stood back a little so Kirshima could alter his dorm before he closed the door behind him and watched at Kirishima started raiding his mini- fridge like he always did when he came over since there was always beer and lots of other good stuff in it.

Izuku was rich as fuck.

Izuku walked passed Kirishima and plopped down on his fluffy carpeted floor infront of his large flatscreen before he un-paused his Playstation game he was playing on his Playstation 5.

When Kirishima sat down next to Izuku with one beer for him and a bottle of water for Izuku, since he didn't drink beer he only preferred the hardcore drinks, he picked up a player two controller Izuku handed him before they both started playing the game.

(!!) I Dont Know Much About Gaming But I Know My Boyfriend Likes Playing This One Game Called Uncharted?? (¡¡)

A few hours went by before Kirishima's phone rang and he sighed as he picked it up but smiled when he saw that it was a text from his boyfriend and friends on the group one of his friends, Mina, created.

[Private Text]

000 : babe?

000 : babe where are you?!

000 : baby I miss u!!🥺😭

000 : Hey babe, sorry for not answering your texts, I was playing some games and my
phone was on Do Not Desturb😅🤗

Kirishima quickly typed in a reply before he went to the group chats.


000 : Hey guys! So sorry for not responding!🙏😕

000 : Nah man, its fine👍

000 : Where were you anyways???🤔

000 : Probably with that imaginary friend of his again🙄🤭

Kirishima grumbled when he saw Mina's text. Why dont they just believe him when he says that Izuku is real!?

000 : I already told you guys that he's real!

000 : Babe? You believe me right???

000 : Right???🥺

000 : Weeellll...

000 : You keep talking about him non stop but not one of us ever see him except you....soooooo....🤷‍♂️

000 : (┳Д┳)

000 : You guys really dont believe me?

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