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it only hurts this much right now
was what I was thinking the whole time
breathe in, breathe through
breathe deep, breathe out
i'll be getting over you my whole life

NINA shay was always laid back. she just let things take their course and went along with it. that’s how she got her three best friends. in first grade when second grader, embry call, invited her to hang out with him and his friends after he spilled chocolate milk all over her and her lunch, nina agreed and from there it was the four of them against the world.

THAT’S also how nina got her first boyfriend. during her freshman year of high school, nina found herself in a sophomore chemistry class where she met jared cameron. the two hit it off immediately when they were sat next to each other. nina had crushes on people before high school for sure. there was the month in seventh grade when she liked quil but with jared it was different. she didn’t know why but it just was.

AFTER a few months of knowing each other, jared asked her out on a date in january. nina accepted and after a few casual dates, the girl asked jared to be her boyfriend. for once she took charge in a situation and she was proud of herself when jared kissed her and said yes.

NINA was good at splitting her time evenly between school, her boyfriend, and her friends. No matter what, she made time for everyone in her life. when the girl mentioned wanting to get her license, jared gladly suggested he help her study for the written test and practice for the driving portion. they spent half their time together preparing her for her driver’s test. she managed to get her learner’s permit on the first try. then she just had to wait six months to get her actual driver’s license.

AFTER the six months nina finally received her driver’s license and was ecstatic to relay the news to her boyfriend and best friends when she arrived at school one day during her sophomore year. that was until jared was nowhere to be found. she was upset that she didn’t see him at all but shook it off assuming he was sick. she wasn’t going to let it ruin her excitement of finally being able to drive on her own.

EVENTUALLY jared returned to school after having been “sick” for a few weeks. when he did return the first thing he did was up to nina who was talking with a girl in jared’s grade, kim. he looked at the two with a smile, assuming he would naturally imprint on nina. that wasn’t the case.

NINA watched as her boyfriend looked at he with a smile that soon turned into a frown. he then looked over to the girl next to nina and looked in a daze. jared knew he had imprinted the moment he looked into kim’s eyes and it broke his heart that he hadn’t imprinted on nina. he never wanted to hurt her. but he did.

JARED broke up with nina that day and she was devastated. to make matters worse for her the next day he walked into school holding kim’s hand.

you know how scared i am of elevators
never trust it if it rises fast
it can't last

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